Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is the best site to lookup your ip address?

I know there are a bunch, which is the best/safest?|||This website gives you exact location of an Ip Address:|||I use

This simply shows your external IP address.

Another site I use is: I also use

This shows your IP address down the bottom, but also shows your ISP too.

If you want, you can also do a download/upload speed test as well :).

Those two will show your EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS from your ISP.

If you want your INTERNAL IP ADDRESS, then open the command prompt and type in --%26gt; ipconfig

Hope that helps answer your question.|||Most powerful IP trackers from my experience with many IP tools are:

Especially their email trackers and email lookups are great:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Hope this helps!|||here are two that give reliable results and can even detect proxy servers.|||Your best bet is, it does geolocations and lookup who owns the IP.|||You can reach here To get the IP-address Details,location,longitude... and latitude Etc................

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