Saturday, December 10, 2011

Is there a way to stop someone from getting my address from reverse phone number lookup?

I'm very concerend that someone can get my address from reverse phone lookup... Is there a way to stop this?? Please help!|||Go to

Go to the "Help" tab and there is a link about removing your residential listing, follow that. I did it and it works.|||Some reverse phone number lookup services allow you to remove your details from their database if you pay a small fee. you can see here: http://reversephonenumberlooku鈥?/a>

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|||Yes there is. It allow you to opt to remove your personal particulars from brokers. Go for this review I find l: http://www.LookupPhoneReview.c鈥?/a>

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|||Get a private number from your phone company ( there is a fee for this ).|||Block you number with your telephone company|||press *67 on your one touch telephone or dial 1167 if you have the old fashion rotary dial set. the person you are calling will then see a message saying "private number" or you can press 0 and ask the operator to block your name and number by placing your call.|||The only way is to call your phone company and have the address suppressed in the phone book.


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